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Results: 1-20 of 1693next page >

# Query Length Result vs. Range Score %id Covered by template(s)
1 gi|11497090|ref|NP_051162.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P01) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 407 PDB1018 42-390 -5.400 4lvq_A mol:protein length:376 Phosphate-binding protein PstS 3
2 gi|11497091|ref|NP_051163.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P02) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 230 PDB1018 1-157 -6.090 16  1r4v_A mol:protein length:171 Hypothetical protein AQ_328
3 gi|11497092|ref|NP_051164.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P03) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 185 PDB1018 1-159 -9.740 12  2bep_A mol:protein length:159 UBIQUITIN-CONJUGATING ENZYME E2-25 KDA
4 gi|11497093|ref|NP_051165.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P04) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 254 PDB1018 145-186 -8.390 21  5irx_E mol:protein length:75 Tau-theraphotoxin-Hs1a
5 gi|11497094|ref|NP_051166.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P05) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 190 PDB1018 103-144 -9.380 16  5irx_E mol:protein length:75 Tau-theraphotoxin-Hs1a
6 gi|11497064|ref|NP_051167.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P06) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 324 PDB1018 73-314 -11.200 11  5wk1_A mol:protein length:352 Major Capsid Protein
7 gi|11497065|ref|NP_051168.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P07) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 153 PDB1018 9-110 -6.640 14  5xtc_g mol:protein length:119 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C2
8 gi|11497066|ref|NP_051169.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P08) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 133 PDB1018 32-133 -43.100 11  2kca_A mol:protein length:109 Bacteriophage SPP1 complete nucleotide sequence
9 gi|11497067|ref|NP_051170.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P09) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 129 PDB1018 1-82 -6.720 2qgv_A mol:protein length:140 Hydrogenase-1 operon protein hyaE
10 gi|11497068|ref|NP_051171.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P10) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 188 PDB1018 1-69 -6.820 14  4df0_A mol:protein length:202 Orotidine 5`-phosphate decarboxylase
11 gi|11497095|ref|NP_051172.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P11) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 370 PDB1018 37-292 -6.410 14  5ok9_A mol:protein length:246 14-3-3 protein sigma,Heat shock protein beta-6
12 gi|11497096|ref|NP_051173.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P12) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 142 PDB1018 14-140 -8.160 14  2lf8_A mol:protein length:128 Transcription factor ETV6
13 gi|11497097|ref|NP_051174.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P13) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 151 PDB1018 4-150 -7.400 17  2wtk_C mol:protein length:305 SERINE/THREONINE-PROTEIN KINASE 11
14 gi|11497098|ref|NP_051175.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P14) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 78 PDB1018 3-75 -6.970 19  3apt_A mol:protein length:310 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
15 gi|11497099|ref|NP_051176.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P15) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 424 PDB1018 18-264 -6.450 12  4tql_A mol:protein length:247 Three helix bundle
16 gi|11497100|ref|NP_051177.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P16) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 227 PDB1018 18-227 -7.540 10  2f1x_A mol:protein length:161 HAUSP/USP7
17 gi|11497101|ref|NP_051178.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P17) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 316 PDB1018 35-235 -5.960 12  4az8_A mol:protein length:240 CHAPERONE PROTEIN CAF1M
18 gi|11497102|ref|NP_051179.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P18) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 181 PDB1018 30-171 -7.310 11  4ru3_A mol:protein length:221 puncturing protein gp41
19 gi|11497069|ref|NP_051180.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P19) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 110 PDB1018 5-99 -10.700 17  5iv5_T mol:protein length:132 Baseplate wedge protein gp25
20 gi|11497070|ref|NP_051181.1| hypothetical protein (BB_P20) [Borrelia burgdorferi B31] 291 PDB1018 136-177 -8.250 4f98_A mol:protein length:69 hypothetical protein

FFAS is supported by the NIH grant R01-GM087218-01
1 4 7 5 5 1   jobs submitted since Jan 1, 2011
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Selected papers from Godzik Lab
Ying Zhang, Ines Thiele, Dana Weekes, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Krzysztof Ginalski, Ashley Deacon, John Wooley, Scott Lesley, Ian Wilson, Bernhard Palsson, Andrei Osterman, Adam Godzik. Three-Dimensional Structural View of the Central Metabolic Network of Thermotoga maritima. Science. 2009 Sep 18;325(5947):1544-9.

Mayya Sedova, Mallika Iyer, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Kai W Post, Thomas Hrabe, Eduard Porta-Pardo, Adam Godzik Cancer3D 2.0:: interactive analysis of 3D patterns of cancer mutations in cancer subsets. Nucleic Acids Research, gky1098 2018; Published on November 8 2018.

Jaroszewski L, Rychlewski L, Godzik A. Improving the quality of twilight-zone alignments. Protein Sci. 2000 Aug;9(8):1487-96.