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Results: 21-40 of 4334< prev pagenext page >

# Query Length Result vs. Range Score %id Covered by template(s)
21 gi|16082718|ref|NP_395164.1| secretion chaperone (YPCD1.30c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 168 VFDB 1-168 -42.800 15  [R] KOG0553 TPR repeat-containing protein
22 gi|16082719|ref|NP_395165.1| secreted effector protein (YPCD1.31c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 326 VFDB 258-318 -7.300 13  [U] KOG3385 V-SNARE
23 gi|16082720|ref|NP_395166.1| low calcium response protein G (YPCD1.32c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 95 VFDB 14-62 -5.550 16  [B] KOG1757 Histone 2A
24 gi|16082721|ref|NP_395167.1| low calcium response protein R (YPCD1.33c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 146 VFDB 4-146 -9.190 [S] COG5465 Uncharacterized conserved protein
25 gi|16082722|ref|NP_395168.1| low calcium response protein D (YPCD1.34c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 704 VFDB 10-703 -141.000 34  [NU] COG1298 Flagellar biosynthesis pathway, component FlhA
26 gi|16082723|ref|NP_395169.1| hypothetical protein (YPCD1.35c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 114 VFDB 2-113 -44.500 20  [R] KOG0553 TPR repeat-containing protein
27 gi|16082724|ref|NP_395170.1| hypothetical protein (YPCD1.36c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 122 VFDB 55-122 -5.370 [S] COG1698 Uncharacterized protein conserved in archaea
28 gi|16082725|ref|NP_395171.1| hypothetical protein (YPCD1.37c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 123 VFDB 6-120 -7.580 [S] COG5465 Uncharacterized conserved protein
29 gi|16082726|ref|NP_395172.1| Yop secretion and targeting control protein (YPCD1.38c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 92 VFDB 34-92 -5.850 13  [S] KOG4273 Uncharacterized conserved protein
30 gi|16082727|ref|NP_395173.1| secretion control protein (YPCD1.39c) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 293 VFDB 35-277 -6.700 10  [J] COG1384 Lysyl-tRNA synthetase (class I)
31 gi|16082728|ref|NP_395174.1| type III secretion system ATPase (YPCD1.40) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 439 VFDB 1-439 -117.000 52  [NU] COG1157 Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase
32 gi|16082729|ref|NP_395175.1| type III secretion apparatus component (YPCD1.41) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 154 VFDB 2-147 -18.500 13  [NUO] COG2882 Flagellar biosynthesis chaperone
33 gi|16082730|ref|NP_395176.1| type III secretion apparatus component (YPCD1.42) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 455 VFDB 24-346 -11.000 [R] KOG2350 Zn-finger protein joined to JAZF1 (predicted suppressor)
353-446 -16.200 21  [N] COG3144 Flagellar hook-length control protein
34 gi|16082731|ref|NP_395177.1| type III secretion system protein (YPCD1.43) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 307 VFDB 157-307 -18.100 12  [N] COG1868 Flagellar motor switch protein
211-307 -30.500 23  [NU] COG1886 Flagellar motor switch/type III secretory pathway protein
35 gi|16082732|ref|NP_395178.1|(removed signalp:1-34) type III secretion system protein (YPCD1.44) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 183 VFDB 1-183 -99.700 100  [U] COG4790 Type III secretory pathway, component EscR
36 gi|16082733|ref|NP_395179.1|(removed signalp:1-28) needle complex export protein (YPCD1.45) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 60 VFDB 1-60 -40.500 100  [U] COG4794 Type III secretory pathway, component EscS
37 gi|16082734|ref|NP_395180.1| needle complex export protein (YPCD1.46) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 261 VFDB 1-261 -91.900 100  [U] COG4791 Type III secretory pathway, component EscT
38 gi|16082735|ref|NP_395181.1| needle complex export protein (YPCD1.47) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 354 VFDB 1-353 -116.000 34  [U] COG4792 Type III secretory pathway, component EscU
39 gi|16082736|ref|NP_395182.1|(removed signalp:1-23) needle complex outer membrane lipoprotein precursor (YPCD1.48) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 108 VFDB 2-97 -13.000 12  [S] COG3126 Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria
40 gi|16082737|ref|NP_395183.1| transcriptional regulator (YPCD1.49) [Yersinia pestis CO92] 271 VFDB 25-267 -49.400 16  [K] COG2207 AraC-type DNA-binding domain-containing proteins

FFAS is supported by the NIH grant R01-GM087218-01
1 4 7 4 7 1   jobs submitted since Jan 1, 2011
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Selected papers from Godzik Lab
Ying Zhang, Ines Thiele, Dana Weekes, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Krzysztof Ginalski, Ashley Deacon, John Wooley, Scott Lesley, Ian Wilson, Bernhard Palsson, Andrei Osterman, Adam Godzik. Three-Dimensional Structural View of the Central Metabolic Network of Thermotoga maritima. Science. 2009 Sep 18;325(5947):1544-9.

Mayya Sedova, Mallika Iyer, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Kai W Post, Thomas Hrabe, Eduard Porta-Pardo, Adam Godzik Cancer3D 2.0:: interactive analysis of 3D patterns of cancer mutations in cancer subsets. Nucleic Acids Research, gky1098 2018; Published on November 8 2018.

Rychlewski L, Zhang B, Godzik A. Functional insights from structural predictions: analysis of the Escherichia coli genome. Protein Sci. 1999 Mar;8(3):614-24.