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Results: 1-20 of 182next page >

# Query Length Result vs. Range Score %id Covered by template(s)
1 HGC00024 gi|162813637|dbj|BABA01031072.1|2.0 TMP01508; 217 CSGID 10-203 -9.570 15  IDP91435 DNA uptake lipoprotein [Vibrio vulnificus CMCP6] VV1_0485 [Vibrio vulnificus CMCP6]
2 HGC00044 gi|162658718|dbj|BAAX01000887.1|1.0 TMP00920; 360 CSGID 1-186 -45.600 24  IDP04361 gene: bglB; putative beta-glucosidase [Yersinia pestis CO92] YPO2803 [Yersinia pestis CO92]
3 HGC00106 gi|162841414|dbj|BABA01003295.1|1.0 TMP01000; 81 CSGID 1-63 -6.640 16  IDP92620 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase [Vibrio cholerae O395] VC0395_A1339 [Vibrio cholerae O395]
4 HGC00150 gi|162733542|dbj|BAAZ01030454.1|1.0 TMP01074; 227 CSGID 2-150 -6.110 IDP01318 DPS family protein VC0139 [Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961]
5 HGC00164 gi|163636082|dbj|BABG01000191.1|4.0 TMP00833; 173 CSGID 1-173 -40.200 11  IDP93888 hipa protein [Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Y11] YP_006006247 [Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Y11]
6 HGC00166 gi|163579340|dbj|BABE01005762.1|1.0 TMP00473; 223 CSGID 34-219 -6.290 IDP92056 orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative [Toxoplasma gondii ME49] TGME49_059660 [Toxoplasma gondii ME49]
7 HGC00248 gi|162576253|dbj|BAAV01029229.1|2.0 TMP00024; 121 CSGID 1-121 -6.090 IDP91498 translocation protein in type III secretion [Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633] VP1675 [Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633]
8 HGC00267 gi|163310129|dbj|BABD01000566.1|6.0 TMP00066; 164 CSGID 3-127 -6.430 15  IDP01512 anthranilate synthase component II VC1173 [Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961]
9 HGC00311 gi|163635536|dbj|BABG01000737.1|2.0 TMP00178; 122 CSGID 32-119 -5.040 11  IDP95267 N-acetyl-anhydromuranmyl-L-alanine amidase [Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 17978] YP_001083142 [Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 17978]
10 HGC00374 gi|162831834|dbj|BABA01012875.1|1.0 TMP00304; 200 CSGID 1-197 -6.730 10  IDP95146 hypothetical protein KP1_2907 [Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044] YP_002919622 [Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044]
11 HGC00422 gi|163631722|dbj|BABG01004545.1|2.0 TMP00397; 274 CSGID 106-218 -4.870 IDP95010 Set165a_018 [Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor]
12 HGC00429 gi|162734516|dbj|BAAZ01029480.1|1.0 TMP00411; 255 CSGID 5-134 -6.410 IDP05737 hypothetical protein CD1990 [Clostridium difficile 630] CD1990 [Peptoclostridium difficile 630]
13 HGC00485 gi|163636056|dbj|BABG01000217.1|3.0 TMP00523; 127 CSGID 18-96 -6.340 22  IDP06052 hypothetical protein jhp0557 [Helicobacter pylori J99] NP_223275 [Helicobacter pylori J99]
14 HGC00509 gi|162658693|dbj|BAAX01000912.1|3.0 TMP00561; 136 CSGID 8-87 -6.370 17  IDP05509 gene: spoIIIJ2; stage III sporulation protein J [Bacillus anthracis str. Ames] BA_5736 [Bacillus anthracis str. Ames]
15 HGC00518 gi|162728471|dbj|BAAY01000490.1|2.0 TMP00574; 92 CSGID 55-86 -5.050 18  IDP04078 gene: YPCD1.09c; hypothetical protein YPCD1.09c [Yersinia pestis CO92] YPCD1.09c [Yersinia pestis CO92]
16 HGC00522 gi|163636101|dbj|BABG01000172.1|3.0 TMP00580; 203 CSGID 15-84 -9.750 12  IDP95122 streptomycin 3``-adenylyltransferase [Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus CIG1242] EHT28025 [Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus CIG1242]
17 HGC00552 gi|162599220|dbj|BAAV01006262.1|2.0 TMP00636; 115 CSGID 1-56 -9.600 21  IDP05521 putative cell surface protein [Clostridium difficile 630] CD1858 [Peptoclostridium difficile 630]
18 HGC00573 gi|163306732|dbj|BABD01003960.1|2.0 TMP00669; 125 CSGID 2-124 -18.800 10  IDP90419 gene: euo; CHLPS Euo Protein [Chlamydia trachomatis D/UW-3/CX] CT_446 [Chlamydia trachomatis D/UW-3/CX]
19 HGC00579 gi|163284429|dbj|BABD01026259.1|2.0 TMP00679; 172 CSGID 1-145 -11.400 IDP02013 gene: pgtE; outer membrane protease [Salmonella typhimurium LT2] STM2395 [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2]
20 HGC00593 gi|162858151|dbj|BABB01011554.1|1.0 TMP00709; 112 CSGID 3-46 -5.510 IDP06373 gene: ORF17.5; ORF17.5 [Human herpesvirus 8] YP_001129370 [Human herpesvirus 8]

FFAS is supported by the NIH grant R01-GM087218-01
1 4 6 8 3 9   jobs submitted since Jan 1, 2011
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Selected papers from Godzik Lab
Ying Zhang, Ines Thiele, Dana Weekes, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Krzysztof Ginalski, Ashley Deacon, John Wooley, Scott Lesley, Ian Wilson, Bernhard Palsson, Andrei Osterman, Adam Godzik. Three-Dimensional Structural View of the Central Metabolic Network of Thermotoga maritima. Science. 2009 Sep 18;325(5947):1544-9.

Mayya Sedova, Mallika Iyer, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Kai W Post, Thomas Hrabe, Eduard Porta-Pardo, Adam Godzik Cancer3D 2.0:: interactive analysis of 3D patterns of cancer mutations in cancer subsets. Nucleic Acids Research, gky1098 2018; Published on November 8 2018.

Bourne PE, Allerston CK, Krebs W, Li W, Shindyalov IN, Godzik A.,Friedberg I, Liu T, Wild D, Hwang S, Ghahramani Z, Chen L, Westbrook J. The status of structural genomics defined through the analysis of current targets and structures. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2004;:375-86.